Monday, July 26, 2010

The end is near

I can't believe how quickly the summer has flown by. All in all it's been a good semester. I've always liked the shorter term in the summer (although, fortunately our summer term isn't as short as a normal summer session - they can be a little intense). I feel like I've really learned a lot and definitely gained some valuable experience. I am looking forward to taking the entire second week of August off from work to hopefully get a few house-related projects taken care of. We were hoping to take an actual vacation this year, but it looks like a "stay-cation" is in order once again. Neither Derrick nor I will be in class at that time, so hopefully we'll be able to tackle some of the things that we have been neglecting thanks to work and school. That has been the biggest downside of school and work - we have this great old house that we really want (and in some instances, need) to fix up [hole in the dining room ceiling, I'm talkin' to you], but after work and school it feels like there isn't any time or energy, not to mention money, to actually do anything. I am relieved the end is in sight (even if it is only for a few weeks).

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Quiz 2

Well, I'm glad that's out of the way. For some reason, even though this one was open-book, I thought it was harder than the first one. It was definitely more technical, and maybe that's the problem. I was going to do my links to my fragment tonight, but I think that's going to have to wait until tomorrow. I've done enough thinking for the day.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Computing fees

Am I the only one who is annoyed that we pay for computing fees, but we had to do all of the work in UNIX to set up our accounts to prepare them for our web pages? Not cool, Pitt. I have a freakin' degree in English Lit, not web development. Dr. Tomer even said, "the accounts creation program is faulty." I couldn't really hear the class discussion, so I'm not sure if that was the point of some of the conversations, but while I was suffering in the absence of coherent sound during the lecture, it hit me that the help desk should probably be a little more accommodating to those of us who need help. Just a thought...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Inline style assignment

I just uploaded my web page with the Dickens' excerpt. Wow - I feel such a huge sense of relief. That was seriously the hardest I have had to work on an assignment for as long as I can remember. I did find the W3Schools site super helpful, though, and I never could have finished the assignment without it. I now feel completely exhausted. I am not what you would call "looking forward" to the next assignment.

Friday, July 9, 2010

FastTrack Weekend

I'm so excited for FastTrack weekend. Since I didn't take classes last semester, it has been since October since I've been to Pittsburgh. I'm really looking forward to it, especially since I don't have any tests/midterms to take this time. I think it's going to just be a fun weekend. I seem to lose some steam at this point in the semester, so the on-campus visit couldn't come at a better time for me.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Koha was a piece of cake after I got past the initial challenge of figuring out where all I needed to navigate to complete all of the steps to add an item to my list. Glad to have that over with; now I have an authority control assignment to finish by tomorrow at midnight. I just went to brew a pot of swiss mocha coffee, and to my utter horror, we have apparently broken yet another coffee maker. It's a sad, sad day in the Cunningham household. Somehow Derrick got our old coffee pot to brew some though, so that's pretty great. Planning on a late evening tonight...